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Basic Rules of Yoga

Yoga for Inner Peace

Of course, it is best to start your yoga journey not at home on a mat, but in a fitness center under the guidance of a teacher. There are reasons for this. Firstly, they will help you to follow the technique, and not distort the exercises and your health.

Secondly, the teacher acts as an external control. And thirdly, group classes are the most effective, because they are supported by the atmosphere of the group. Be consistent in doing the exercises, and enjoy the class. Do not be upset if the result is not immediately visible, everything will come, it just takes time. If you have already set a goal to start doing yoga in a studio, then you need to know the basic rules of yoga for beginners.

Time for yoga

There is no need to create obstacles for yourself, practice when your schedule allows. If you are sick or physically tired, then again, there is no need to torture yourself. But remember: you should not practice immediately before going to bed, after dinner, and within 3-5 hours after a bath. Women are not recommended to practice in the first days of the menstrual cycle, and subsequently do not use exercises with inverted poses in your practice, which can increase bleeding.

It is best to practice in the morning, but I will reveal a secret, in the morning it means 5-6 am, when nature wakes up. If it is difficult for you to get up that early, then a later hour will do, because it is best to practice yoga on an empty stomach after a cool shower. In the case when you can only do it in the afternoon or evening, practice yoga after 2-4 hours of eating.

Breathing in Yoga

One of the main skills that is needed in yoga for beginners is the ability to breathe correctly. Breathing is intended to play an absolutely important role in coordinating the flow of vital energy in the body. Breathing control allows you to control the entire body, inhalation and exhalation must be full, unhurried, carried out strictly through the nose. Try to push your stomach out a little when inhaling, and pull it in when exhaling.

Pay attention to the duration, inhalation and exhalation should be the same in duration. Exercises are performed at a pace that is comfortable for you, stay in each pose for at least 3 identical inhalations and exhalations. Beginners need to strictly perform breathing cycles as in the exercise instructions and do not forget about the pauses between poses.

Observe your breathing, sit in a comfortable position for you, cross your legs and arch your back, and now focus on inhaling and exhaling for a few minutes. Try to relax, driving away extraneous thoughts, at the first stages this is normal, later you will learn to relax. Gradually you will learn to meditate first for 5 minutes, gradually this time will increase to 30 minutes.

Contraindications for Yoga for Beginners

You shouldn't think that yoga is only stretching and that your muscles won't hurt after training. In any case, it's not aerobics, but muscle pain will naturally occur. Yoga has great potential: it saves many people from illnesses, which is why yoga is so popular. But yoga, like other sports, has its limitations; people suffering from these illnesses should give it up.

Yoga cannot be beneficial for people with mental illnesses, depression is considered an exception, the positive "fruits" of the practice are obvious. You should not practice yoga if you have any acute diseases of the internal organs. Inguinal hernias, severe heart damage, serious craniocerebral injuries and traumatic injuries of the spine, infections of the brain or spinal cord, blood diseases, paroxysmal tachycardia also require you to give up yoga.

After surgery and stroke, it is better not to practice yoga for the first time. Before starting on the yoga mat, do not forget to tell the trainer about your individual characteristics, the teacher should know about this in order to competently give you advice.
